

Serious Sam: The First Encounter (PC)

Serious Sam the first encounter title screen logo
Developer:Croteam|Release Date:2001|Systems:PC, Xbox

This week on Super Adventures I'm taking a quick look at a classic first person shooter from the dawn of the 21st century: Serious Sam: The First Encounter! I always assumed that 'The First Encounter' was something they slapped on after The Second Encounter came out, but I just checked and nope it was there on my box cover all along. So I've learned something today.

I've also learned that it was the game's 15th anniversary on March 21st... last year. So I was just a little late on that one.

Serious Sam started life in the mid 90s as a game called In the Flesh, which would've had you fighting through nightmares and Hell and suchlike, but a couple of years into development they decided to switch to bright sunny open levels instead and rename it Serious Sam, after its protagonist. It worked for Duke Nukem after all, and it's possibly not a coincidence that two heroes shame the same dress sense. Sam's more of an affectionate clone than a parody, seeing as Duke's already a parody, but it's not like 3D Realms held the patent on smart-assed muscle-bound 80s action movie heroes in jeans, so whatever. They get to complain just as soon as they give Bruce Campbell his lines back.

The game was given a shiny Serious Engine 3 makeover back in 2009 and released for PC and Xbox 360 as Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter, but I'm playing the original right off the CD (with all appropriate patches). There's also an Xbox port which has smaller levels and lives, and even a version for PDAs running Palm OS. Except not really, as the PDA version is more like Wolfenstein 3D and looks like a 3DO game.

(Click the screenshots to view the original sized images).
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Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PSX)

Castlevania Symphony of the Night title screen
Developer:Konami|Release Date:1997|Systems:PSX, PSP, PSN, Saturn, Xbox 360

Today on Super Adventures I'm celebrating the 20th anniversary of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night! It was the 20th anniversary of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series a few days back and it'll be the movie Blade's 20th birthday next year too, so in retrospect the late 90s was a terrible time to be a vampire.

Speaking of things that happened in ages past, man it's been while since my epic marathon of all the traditional Castlevania platformers. "This is going to be the final Castlevania game I'll be playing for a long long time," I wrote at the end of my Castlevania Legends article, but I had no idea it'd take me 6 years to get around to the next one! You could make a third of a Duke Nukem game in that time. Though in my defence I used to avoid writing about games I'd played before and I've actually beaten this one on the Xbox 360.

If playing all those classic Castlevanias taught me anything, it's that Konami were determined to get those Belmonts onto every system they could, and that each console had to get its own exclusive game. Seriously, to play the whole series up to this point you would've needed access to a NES, an MSX2, a Game Boy, a PC Engine with a CD drive, an X68000, a Mega Drive, a SNES and an arcade with the Haunted Castle cabinet. In this case though they skipped the Sega 32X due to it being dead and put their new 2D Castlevania on two consoles, the PlayStation and Saturn (with the Game Boy getting Legends instead and the N64 getting both Castlevania 64 and Legacy of Darkness two years later).

It was a bit strange though that Konami released this for the PlayStation, at least in the West, partly because Sony of America had a real hate on for 2D and partly because it's the direct sequel to a game that didn't get an English release until a decade later! In Japan the game’s called Akumajō Dracula X: Gekka no Yasōkyoku (Nocturne in the Moonlight), because it follows on from PC Engine game Akumajō Dracula X: Chi no Rondo (Rondo of Blood). This 'music term of the vampire-related thing' theme carried on through a couple of the GBA games until they started throwing in words like 'Dawn' and 'Portrait' and ruined the pattern.

Anyway I've waited long enough to give this a replay so I should get on with it. I hope I don't hate it now!

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Common Pet Illnesses and What To Do

If you own any pet, you very well know how vulnerable they are to various diseases. And because they can't communicate with us, it's our duty to take care of them. When you are a pet parent, it's not just about the fun parts, it's also about taking care of them when they are sick and being a responsible guardian. 

What to do if your pet seem to be sick?
If your pet seem to be a bit off, there is a huge possibility that it might be sick. Pets usually try to mask any sign of disease. This type of behavior in animals is their natural instinct kicking in, as in the wild any animal who showed weakness sign was ostracized by its members or attacked by other stronger animals. Thus, you have to be alert regarding any changes in the behavior of your pets, no matter how subtle it is.
Before giving medications to your pets on your own, you need to take them to a veterinarian and get them tested properly. At the earliest onset of symptoms it's important that you seek professional advice rather than waiting till the end when things go out of control.

Top 5 common pet illnesses.
Parvovirus- Parvovirus is a common disease seen in dogs as well as cats (however it does seem to effect puppies more than adult dogs). The disease is highly contagious though it doesn't spread cross-species. The disease is caused by a virus known as canine Parvovirus. This virus can remain in the environment for a period of at least one year. Large amount of virus is found in the feces of pets, hence if your pets even sniff feeces of an infected animal, they can get this disease. Symptoms of Parvovirus in pets:


Always get your young pet vaccinated for Parvo.  However once your pet gets it, it needs proper care and intensive treatment.  The mortality rate is high with Parvo so vaccination is imperative. 

Skin infection - skin infection in your pets can get really messy. Skin infection can be caused by fungus (eg- ringworm), bacteria ( eg- pyoderma and impetigo) or skin parasites. These infections can either be on the surface of your pet’s skin or they can penetrate deeper. Skin infection is contagious and if you think your pet has it, you need to visit your vet office and ask for a skin test.

Symptoms of skin infection in pets are:
Loss of hair in spots
Redness of skin
Itching of skin.
Oozing sores on your pet’s skin

As bad as these symptoms appear, you need to start treatment for them instantly or things can get worse.

Diabetes- The growth rate of diabetes in pets is much more than in humans. From the year 2006-10, dogs diabetes rate in US increased by 30% whereas in cats the rate was 10%. diabetes happens when your pet’s body isn't producing enough insulin. This can be due to pancreas are working in a defective manner or it's damaged. Although diabetes can't be treated, it can be managed and controlled. 

Symptoms of diabetes in pets are as follows:
Pets get thirsty frequently 
Frequent urination
Loss of weight
In advanced cases, your pets might show symptoms like:

Arthritis- arthritis usually occurs in older pets. However in several cases, even young pets were seen suffering from this disease. This disease causes pain in the joints of pets and your pet shows signs of pain, stiffness and discomfort. Arthritis can be caused by old age, development of abnormal cartilage, ligament damage or fracture.

Some of the common symptoms of arthritis in pets are:
Difficulty in moving
Muscle atrophy

Usually if your vet thinks that your pet got arthritis he will suggest X rays to confirm the bone or bones in which arthritis is prevalent. Weight loss and proper exercise can provide your pet immense relief from arthritis pain. Your vet may also prescribe joint medication.

Heartworm disease- Heartworm disease is a common and fatal disease amongst pets. Usually, the symptoms of Heartworm shows up late and by then the disease can become fatal and deadly. Heartworm is caused by worms known as dirofilaria immitis. The worms are spread in your pets through bites of mosquitoes. 

Symptoms of Heartworm in your pets are:
Dry cough
Loss of weight
Difficulty in breathing
Bulging of chest

If not treated on time, Heartworms can cause heart failure, damage of organs, lung disease and in some cases it might also lead to death. Your vet can test your pet for Heartworm by taking his blood sample and testing it.

You are with your pet every day so if you see something that just doesn't seem right, seek care, it could save their life.

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Board game mechanics in a poster

I was in Santiago (Chile) last weekend for a presentation about my new mobile game RockFlickz. After the work, I visited one very interesting ludic place: Dos De Seis Board Game Café. You can rent board games, play them and drink excellent coffee. One poster in the wall caught my attention and I want to share it in this post:

Some "artist" grouped the main board game mechanics in the same space. A cool poster to decorate a wall and an excellent exercise to think about game design.


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Broken Age (PC)

Developer:Double Fine|Release Date:2015|Systems:Win, OS X, Linux, Ouya, iOS, Android, PS4, PSVita

This month on Super Adventures I'm playing Broken Age, formerly known as Double Fine Adventure back in its Kickstarter days.

Though this isn't one of them Kickstarter success stories like Giana Sisters, FTL, Pillars of Eternity and the rest, this is THE Kickstarter success story, the one that kickstarted all the others by proving that game developers could actually crowd-fund niche video game projects that publishers would never touch. In this case Tim Schafer wanted to make an old school point-and-click adventure game like the ones he worked on at LucasArts during the 90s.

They asked for $400,000 ($300,000 for the game, $100,000 for a documentary), which seemed like they were pushing their luck a little, but soon people were lining up to take a risk in the hopes of getting another Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle or Grim Fandango. They ended up raising a massive $3,336,371 in the end, which is clearly $3,038 too much. Except not really, as even after getting over 8 times the amount they wanted they still ran out of cash and had to split the game up into two parts, with their plan being to fund the second half with their earnings from the first half.

Broken Age: Act 1 came out in 2014 (just 2 years later than planned), but I've written 2015 up there as the release date because I'm playing the complete product here, with both acts welded together into one seamless whole. I remember that its second act wasn't all that well received, on account of it being bastard hard due to overcompensation after criticism of Act 1, but that's about where my knowledge of the game ends, so I'm not really sure what to expect from this. Though I'm hoping it's like a cross between Broken Sword and Dragon Age, or maybe Brain Age and... damn I can't think of another game with 'Broken' in the title.

By the way, the game supports widescreen just fine, but it's making me rescale the window manually by dragging the edges around and every time I start it up it resets to defaults, so I'm leaving the title screen how I found it to teach Double Fine a lesson. Also I think I like it better in 4:3 anyway, as there's more clouds.

(Click the screenshots to view them slightly bigger than they are here but not as big as they'd be for most players.)
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Super Adventures Update, March 2017

Today on Super Adventures, I'm still playing nothing. Sorry, I've been busy.

But there'll be new content soon, I promise! Two new games before the end of the month with any luck, and it's possible that they both donated letters to that picture above. In fact it's likely that quite a few games coming up have donated letters, but seeing I haven't managed to get the site updated in a month I wouldn't put too much faith in my ability to stick to a plan.

Further update: check below if you want to know where the letters all came from. Just... try not to be too disappointed when you find out that I've been in an adventure game mood lately. This isn't an exhaustive list of what's coming up this year.
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Game design process: one more interesting approach

Some excellent stuff from the YouTube channel Game Design Ed. A concise and interesting view about game design process. Enjoy!


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How To Care For Your Cat

If you are a lover of cats, you might think it nice to have one share your lovely home. These cute looking, feline creatures have been widely misunderstood by others; but not you. So you adopted a little cutie for yourself, and you are now wondering just how you might show them care, and love, and warmth. Well, caring for cats is nothing close to rocket science; all you need is a short and simple guide.

Understand your cat
Unlike dogs, cats have been misunderstood; and many have accused them of being mean and cold. This is not true, and you will find it rewarding to try and understand your cat when she is trying to say something or even trying to give you a hug. For instance, John Bradshaw, an anthrozoologist, from the University of Bristol, has said that contrary to popular belief, cats purr when they need some care and want you close by. You may have shared the old belief that cats purr when they are happy and it might just be time for you to drop it— that is if you want to get along with your cat. In the same vein, Gary Weitzman, a renowned veterinarian, has pointed out that slow blinking is a way of your cat saying that she trusts you. I bet you may have assumed that it was probably feeling dizzy. Enough has been said. Learn to communicate with your cat.

Feeding your cat
Believe it or not, cats can be very finicky when it comes to food. I personally have 2 cats and there is only 2 kinds of food they like so you may have to go through different brands before finding the ones they like. Just make sure the food is nutritionally balanced.

Groom your cat
In addition, cats need to be regularly groomed. Grooming involves brushing your cat to remove loose hair. Brushing your cat is beneficial to her health as it will cut down on hairballs that would develop in her digestive tract if she does it herself. A pin brush works great for long fur while a flat brush is better for short fur. Use this time to inspect your cats for fleas on the skin and don’t fail to seek her cooperation before doing all this. There are a few tricks like doing this before meals and Weber say this will make the cat connect grooming with something delicious.

Provide good health care
This is likely the most important point. Kittens need regular health care when they are very young. They will need to receive vaccines for common illnesses like rabies and distemper. During these checks, the veterinary doctor will evaluate your cat for leukemia and roundworm which is highly contagious. Apart from these early checkups, you also need to monitor your cat closely, so you can tell when they are in need of medical attention. There are some signs which should immediately alert you to the fact that your cat is ill and they include Eye redness, discharge or blur; foul smell from the ears or secretions; Reddish urine or excessive urination; skin lumps and bumps, wounds; vomiting and diarrhea, and signs of insanity.

General cleanliness
If you think it’s necessary to take your bath every day, then there is no reason why you should leave your cat out. Bathe your cats with warm water and let them dry. It is also important to brush your cat’s teeth every day using a soft toothbrush and veterinary toothpaste only. Brushing your cat`s teeth regularly helps prevent gum and tooth-related diseases. Every now and then, ensure your cat has her teeth cleaned by a professional and her mouth thoroughly examined. If you are not comfortable bathing your cat, find a professional groomer who specialized in feline grooming.

Housing your cat properly
Your cat needs every bit of comfort that he or she deserves. One way of doing this is to create some space for your cat. Cats need a bit of privacy as there are times when they want to be alone to rest or sleep. The standard rule for litter boxes is 1 for each cat you may have.  Cleaning the litter box every day is a routine you need to implement in your daily life. Believe it not, cats are finicky about how clean their boxes are. If you let them get too dirty they will start eliminating next to the litter box and not in the litter box.  Also, the amount of litter is important. Standard rule is no more than 3 inches of litter in the litter box.

Play play play!

Cats love to play.  Take a run to the pet store and get yourself some cat toys. I personally am not a fan of the laser lights but small cat toys can be fun for both of you!
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The magic circle idea and the playgrounds scattered throughout everyday life

From countless mobile gadgets with wireless and fast track connection to the Internet, or using more traditional modes of access, people are increasingly blurring the lines between near and far, public and private, work and leisure, online and offline. The impressive rates in social appropriation of communication and information technologies entail changes in the way we live, get together, do business and – of course – have fun.

Stephansplatz, Vienna (June, 2016). Photo by @vincevader

Having fun, in this scenario, is closely linked to the large number of entertainment languages that pervade our daily experience. The languages of entertainment are crisscrossing boundaries in the quotidian landscape and games become media and a relevant tool of marketing for many companies. We can find games and languages of entertainment in our mobile devices, Facebook site, television shows, videogame consoles, mobile applications and lots of other platforms. Everything indicates that, more than never, individuals are searching for ludic/entertainment/gaming experiences to disconnect for some moments from the chaotic quotidian, the pressure of working hours or the accelerated routine of big urban centers; in certain way, people are trying to reach places of catharsis, dreaming and fiction to escape from this. Based on the Huizinga’s (1995) thoughts, they are searching for different “magic circles”.

Johan Huizinga (1872 – 1945) was a Dutch historian and one of the founders of modern cultural history. In his book Homo Ludens, from 1938, he discusses the possibility that playing is the primary formative element in human culture. In this book, the author (HUIZINGA, 1995) presents the idea of the "magic circle". As described by Adams and Rollings (2009), Huizinga did not use the term as a generic name for the concept: his text refers to the actual playground, or a physical space for playing. Inside the magic circle, real-world events have special meanings; in the real world someone kicks a ball into a net, but in the magic circle someone scores a goal leading the crowd to celebrate this act. (ADAMS; ROLLINGS, 2009).

The magic circle is a place of dreams and fantasy. It's an escape from everyday problems and chores. Most importantly: everything inside the magic circle is, in some way, transformative. Each time a person leaves the magic circle, they bring meaning and experience to the real world. The arena, the card-table, the stage, the screen, the tennis court, the court of justice, etc., are examples of the magic circle idea. It is important to mention that authors like Bogost (2016) discuss that “magic circle” is too dramatic a name for this kind of processes and embraces the term “playgrounds” as an alternative.

Regardless of the categorization – whether “magic circle” or “playgrounds” – it is important to understand that the contemporary stage is full of platforms that we can access entertainment/games and there are lots of individuals attached to these ludic experiences. We can suppose that companies/brands/products/services will try to connect its selves to the audiences immersed in these experiences, platforms and languages. Based on this assumption, we understand more clearly how games also become communication and marketing tools.



ADAMS, Ernest; ROLLINGS, Andrew. Fundamentals of Game Design. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009

BOGOST, Ian. Play anything: the pleasure of limits, the uses of boredom, & the secret of games. New York: Basic Books, 2016.

HUIZINGA, Johan. Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1955.
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