

Legends (Amiga)

If my calculations are correct it should be Super Adventures' 6th birthday right about... now. I've been watching it creep up on me for a while, struggling to come up with an idea of what to do about it when it got here.

One idea I had was that I could turn the site around and start going back the way I came, revisiting all the games I've played, starting with Carmageddon, then Spy Fox, and so on all the way back to Deathbringer. Then I had a slightly less terrible idea: I could work through a huge chunk of my game requests all at once! 50 games in one article, each getting a screenshot and a couple of lines of text. It'll be just like the olden days when I'd put up a few dozen half-assed posts a day because I didn't know what the hell I was doing.

But in the end I realised that if I want to go back to Super Adventures' origins what I really need to do is find an old obscure Amiga game I haven't heard of and go into it blind.

Developer:Krysalis|Release Date:1996|Systems:Amiga AGA, CD32, DOS

So this week on Super Adventures I'm playing Legends!

I know about all kinds of games, Amiga games especially; it's a side effect to suffering prolonged exposure to a shelf full of game magazines as a child. But I have never heard of this one in my life and that's kind of weird, because it's by Krysalis, the folks who created Soccer Kid and Arabian Nights.

I've got a theory about why it slipped under my radar though, and that's because my Amiga magazines only go up to 1995. By the time this came out everyone was moving away to SVGA PCs and next gen consoles and I doubt even the DOS port of this low-res Amiga game got much attention. So they left it a bit late there. But then I suppose a game like this takes a while to make... possibly. Depends on what kind of game it is really.

The title screen up there makes me think it's some kind of strategy game with empires clashing across the world, or an RPG with classes from across history, but that doesn't narrow it down much and it's just as likely to be another platformer. All I know for sure is that it's not that classic isometric RPG; that's Legend without the S.

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“Why is gamification not working in my company?”

Last week, I was invited to a meeting in a medium-size Brazilian company, which for ethical reasons will not have its name disclosed. The director of the innovation area wanted a special consulting about the gamification process implemented on the last two years. After many attempts, these tactics proved worthless for the company. The employees did not understand the purpose of this process and could not see the utility in what was proposed. Why did it happen? In the director’s mind, gamification is a positive thing for every company, after all, it’s an attempt to put games (a fun element) inside work (a boring subject) to improve their routine.

Well, it is not that simple.

In the article “Hate the games, not the players", Daniel Ruch discusses some points that can make gamification fail in the business ecosystem. First of all, Ruch gives us one good definition about the term:

“Gamification” is the application to other activities of game-playing elements (such as point scoring, competition and rules of play) in an attempt to achieve a measurable goal. In business, that goal could be greater productivity, user engagement or employee satisfaction. In our personal lives, goals might include losing weight, exercising regularly or unplugging from mobile devices.

After this definition, Ruch says that many companies tried to implement the gaming process in their DNA, but, in most part of them, the game objectives were unclear and complicated. According to Ruch, some employees “weren’t sure how to win points and badges”, and, let’s be honest: what’s the real purpose of it? One virtual trophy received in a special e-mail will not motivate behavioral change. One public score with a race between the selling departments could only create frustration and bad competition. A system that only punishes failures and never rewards positive acts is bounded to be a failure. So, what is important to think before introducing processes like gamification into a company? Here are some thoughts to dwell on:

1) Define clear goals. What’s the problem with your company that gamification will try to solve? Are employees unmotivated? Is communication between departments bad?

2) What paths are guaranteed to solve the problem and achieve the goal? And one essential thing: does your company really need to implement gamification processes? Or can the problem be solved in a much simpler way?

3) According to Ruch, “gamification begins with a why question”.

4) Once identified that gamification could be a solution for the problem, comes one important step: to hire a specialist team to implement the process. Discuss with them. Try to put the objectives clearly to the employees. Emphasize the benefits, the rewards and the gains. “We can’t make successful games without understanding the problems we aim to solve”.

5) Gamification is a not a generic solution applied to any kind of company and employee. One cautious observation and previous analysis is fundamental.

Another important thought to highlight this discussion comes from Bogost (2016, p.82) who says that

A job is made of fun not by turning into a game, but by deeply and deliberately pursuing it as a job. Jobs are fun when their work is meaningful, when their activities matter, and when the act of conducting them can be done over and over again with the increased commitment. Fun can’t be added to something, like sugar to coffee or like songs to chores.

Gamification is always a polemic subject. Many experts condemn the term and prefer to talk about "ludification" or "game thinking". Regardless of how it is called, it is important to broaden the discussion on this subject.

Now, on to your opinion!



BOGOST, Ian. Play anything: the pleasure of limits, the uses of boredom, & the secret of games. New York: Basic Books, 2016.

Article “Hate the games, not the players”.

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Carmageddon (MS-DOS)

Developer:Stainless Games|Release Date:1997|Systems:PC, Mac, Android, iOS

This week on Super Adventures you can look forward to several words on the subject of PlayStation-era vehicular carnage racing game Carmageddon! Or is that supposed to be CarmaGeddoN? The oversized letters are throwing me off.

It feels like it's been ages since I've had a racing game on the site. In fact looking back through the archives it seems like the last one was Super Mario Kart all the way back in 2013. I don't remember much about this besides what I can pull from my fuzzy memories of old magazines, but I expect it to be dissimilar.

I'm also expecting to be driving a red car with spikes running down the middle. Plus I'm sure this is the one with a picture of a bloke in the top left of the screen that makes faces when you run people over. Or run zombies over if you're playing the censored version with the green blood, which I'm hopefully not. I've had enough zombies lately thanks, no more zombies.

I'll be playing the Carmageddon Max Pack from GOG, all packaged up to run on modern PCs with nGlide pretending I've got a 3dfx card. So the graphics may potentially be a little prettier than they were back in the day, but I wouldn't bother clicking the screenshots for a better view because they'll all be 640x480 resolution or less.

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5 Essential Tips for Effective Pet Grooming

Pets are an important part of the family. They offer protection and companionship among other things. So, you need to treat them with care like you do to other members of the family. Do you keep a cat, dog or any other pet in your home? How do you ensure it is clean and hygienic? It is important to groom your pet so you don't have to deal with any animal-human health risks. Furthermore, no one likes a stinky pet. Grooming also keeps your pets healthy and happy.

This is a good grooming practice for furry pets. Dogs and cats naturally shed fur whether it's long or short. This process allows for the development of new and healthier fur on their bodies. Brushing is one effective and easy way to prevent excessive shedding by your pets. This practice softens and cleans their coats (both top and underlying).  It is also important to choose the right brush for your pet. Each brush is designed to handle a specific kind of coat. 

Like human beings, pets also need regular bathing. The frequency of the exercise varies with your pet's breed. Some may also love to get dirty by nature. For instance if your cat or dog loves playing in the mud then you are up for frequent bathing sessions. There are recommended shampoos and soaps for washing pets. As you shop for such, make sure you choose the right ones for your pet. Organic shampoos are some of the best for your pets when it comes to bathing. Please read the ingredients to make sure they are not “abrasive” or “allergenic”. You can also vary the water temperature depending on prevailing weather conditions. Buy pet-grooming gloves to help you in scrubbing your pet. Make bathing an enjoyable experience for both yourself and your pet. 

Nail and Paw Care
Pets get their nails or paws dirty in many instances. These are among the few parts of their body they find it hard to clean on their own. A cat can sometimes try to do this but it is not effective enough. If you have dogs, you need to do it from scratch. This process can sometimes get difficult if your pet is not used to it. They can be speeding off at the sight of clippers. You can do this by playing with their paws as you hang out together. You can also check for wounds on the paws as you groom the nails. Your pets can only jump and play well if they have healthy paws and nails. Be careful not to cut the pink part of your cat's nail (the quick). It contains blood vessels making it sensitive. Very long hails can cause paw deformities and can also be very painful to the animal (imagine walking just on your toenails all day long).  If you are not comfortable cutting your pet’s nails, contact a professional groomer in your area.
Eye Care
Eyes are among the most delicate organs ever created. It is also surprising that they are very durable. Pets may sometimes get involved in fights and hurt their eyes. It is also possible for pets to get eye infections and inflammations. Early discovery of an eye problem can save your pet from an infection. The easiest way of doing this is to be observing their eyes. You can also trim hair around their eyes, and ensure they are free of mucus. You can do this by use of sterile veterinary eyewash. Before you bathe your pet, you can apply protective ophthalmic ointment on their eyes. This will prevent possible eye irritations that might cause infections. Clean any tear-stains from your pets' eyes since these can harbor bacteria.  Please contact your vet immediately if you notice any eye deformities or infections that may be occurring.

Dental Care 
Your pets need to have their teeth clean and healthy. You need to brush your dog's teeth every other day like you do to yourself. Every pet has specific toothbrushes and toothpastes. Damage to gums and the tongue expose your pets to many health risks. You can introduce your pet to this idea by massaging their gums. Once you get them used, you can brush their teeth using the old-fashioned way. Brushing your pet's teeth will also help you identify any oral complications. Be watchful for strong odors from your pet's mouth. Such symptoms may be a sign of a gum condition or digestive problems.  Some professional groomers will also clean your pets teeth as part of the grooming process so if you are comfortable brushing your pets teeth consider a professional.

Proper grooming for your pets will ensure they stay healthy and happy!
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Mount & Blade WARBAND

Mount and Blade Warband Free Download PC game Setup in single link
for Windows. It is an exciting action role playing strategy game.

Mount and Blade Warband PC Game Overview
Mount and Blade Warband Game is developed by TaleWorlds Entertainment and published by Paradox Interactive.
In the game player orders the forces to fight by sitting on the horse.
This is a multiplayer game. Where
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Counter Strike Global Offensive

credit Games of Ocean

Counter Strike Global Offensive Free Download PC Game For Windows. It
is a shooting game you Can choose terrorist or anti terrorist group.

Counter Strike Global Offensive Overview
Counter Strike Global Offensive is a first person shooter game that has been developed by Valve Corporation and
Hidden path Entertainment. It is the fourth game of the world acclaimed
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Spy Fox in "Dry Cereal" (PC)

Developer:Humongous Entertainment|Release Date:1997|Systems:Windows, Mac OS, Wii, iOS, Android, Linux

This week on Super Adventures, I'm taking a look at a Junior Adventure about a fox who does intelligence work, designed for 5-10 year olds! Because it appeared as a gift in my Steam library one day, and I want to know if I should be grateful.

Spy Fox in "Dry Cereal" is apparently the first of three Spy Fox adventure games, and I've never played any of them at any age, so I have zero nostalgia for the series. I've managed to go my entire life so far in blissful ignorance of what any of Humongous Entertainment's games are like, but I am very slightly optimistic because I know that it's where Monkey Island creator Ron Gilbert disappeared to for a while after Monkey Island 2.

The Steam download comes with ScummVM so that it runs on modern systems, but I don't know if they've given me the US or the UK version. I've read that there's a few small differences between the versions, the main one being that the game was redubbed with British accents! Spy Fox sounds like a suave English agent in the UK dub, but in the original game he's more like Don Adams from Get Smart. I've no idea why they did this, half the cartoons on British TV come from America and we'd been listening to Don Adams' voice come out of Inspector Gadget's mouth for years, but I guess they were concerned some references would fly over young kids' heads. They'd have never heard of Get Smart for one thing.

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Snaggle Foot Round Lake Receives 2016 Best of Round Lake Award

Press Release


Snaggle Foot Round Lake Pet Sitters & Dog Walkers Receives 2016 Best of Round Lake Award 

Round Lake Award Program Honors the Achievement

ROUND LAKE -- Snaggle Foot Round Lake Pet Sitters & Dog Walkers has been selected for the 2016 Best of Round Lake Award in the Pet Sitter category by the Round Lake Award Program.

Each year, the Round Lake Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Round Lake area a great place to live, work and play.

Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2016 Round Lake Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Round Lake Award Program and data provided by third parties.

About Round Lake Award Program
The Round Lake Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the Round Lake area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value.

The Round Lake Award Program was established to recognize the best of local businesses in our community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to recognize the small business community's contributions to the U.S. economy.

SOURCE: Round Lake Award Program
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Iterative design & games

Gaming creativity process, allow a myriad of methodological using possibilities. In the gaming projects that I participated, I frequently used the iterative design method. One first view about this methodological process comes from Zimmerman (2003, p.176), who says, ‘iterative design is a design methodology based on a cyclic process of prototyping, testing, analyzing, and refining a work in progress’.

Complementing the previous idea, the process of iterative design for games, can be divided into few stages (FULLERTON et al, 2008, p.249): A) conceptual phase: consists of generating ideas, formalizing and testing them; B) pre-production: here the ideas are reviewed to evolve and be tested again; C) the production stage: the game is tested and revised with different groups of play testers to locate errors; D) phase of quality assurance: where the game is tested to be launched without errors.

We'll discuss more about these subject in a future post using some examples (indie games and triple A games) to clarify this idea. Until then, check out the video below about iterative design applied to games:



ZIMMERMAN, Eric. Play as Research: the Iterative Design Process. IN: Design Research: Methods and Perspectives, (2003): 176-184. (also available at last access: May, 2015).

FULLERTON, Tracy et al. Game design workshop: a playcentric approach to creating innovative games. Burlington: Morgan Kaufmann, 2008.

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To think about fun, play and games

"Fun is the aftermath of deliberately manipulating a familiar situation in a new way" ( BOGOST , 2016, p.57)

Source: BOGOST, Ian. Play anything: the pleasure of limits, the uses of boredom, & the secret of games. New York: Basic Books,2016.

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Battlefield 3 Free Download BF3 PC Game Full Version

Battlefield 3 Free Download BF3 PC Game Full Version

Battlefield 3 BF3 is
a first Person Shooter Video Game Developed by EA Digital Illusions CE
and published by Electronic Arts. It is a direct sequel to 2005's
Battlefield 2, and the twelfth installment in the Battlefield franchise.
The Game was released in North America on 25 October 2011 and in
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Tales of Symphonia (PC)

Developer:Namco Tales Studio|Release Date:2003 (Jp)|Systems:GameCube, PS2, PS3, Windows

This week on Super Adventures I'm looking at this title screen wondering what 'Custom' does. Is that the 'Options' option maybe? Now I'm wondering if that other Tales game I played a while back did this as well; is it a Tales tradition, or are they rebelling against standard video game terminology for the sake of being weird?

I've only really played one of these games before, Tales of Destiny II on the PlayStation, so I went back and checked and it turns out that it has 'Customize' in place of 'options', so I see what they've done here. It also turns out that I played that six years ago now, so that explains why I've forgotten everything about how Tales games play. All I remember is that the trees looked very nice and by the look of this title screen that definitely is a Tales tradition.

Here's a fact that'll shock absolutely no one: Tales of Symphonia here is the 5th game in the long running Tales series, and yet it's the first to have been released in Europe! I'm surprised to learn that they've already reached game number 16 since then though. It's kind of hard to keep track of where they're up to as they don't usually put numbers on the games, and when they do you can't trust 'em. If you're curious, Tales of Destiny II is the 3rd game... and Tales of Destiny 2 is the 4th.

(Clicking pics will make them big.)
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Skyblazer (SNES)

Skyblazer SNES title screen
Developer:Ukiyotei|Release Date:1994|Systems:Super Nintendo

One thing I like about consoles like the Super Nintendo and Mega Drive, is that they had seemingly infinite games released for them during the 90s. Sure its actually closer to a few thousand, but when you only play 50 something games a year, that may as well be infinite. Every time I think that I must be running out of interesting games to play, there's always something else in the library to check out.

Which is why I'll never be tempted to do a Chrontendo-style project of my own for the SNES, as that'd be one hell of a mountain to dig through.

Anyway, today's semi-buried SNES gem on Super Adventures is Star... Skyblazer. I keep wanting to call it 'Starblazer' and have to correct myself, because this isn't a black & white sci-fi anthology comic or the US adaptation of 'Space Battleship Yamato', it's the Western version of a Japanese game called Karuraou. I'm not sure what that means exactly, but a quick Google search tells me that Karura is an alternate Japanese spelling for 'Garuda', a Hindi god with the head and wings of an eagle. Garuda's also what the game's hero was called in Japan, until it was changed to 'Sky' for the Western release.

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