

What to do when you find an injured bird !

So today while I was walking my dog I saw an injured baby bird flopping around.  It is was clearly evident that it could not fly.

Personally, I picked him up and put him in a box but I guess some kids saw the same baby bird a day ago so this poor thing had been flopping and hopping around unable to fly for over a day or so.  When I finally brought him into my home, he had quietly passed away.  I am sure that poor little baby bird was completely exhausted from his ordeal the last few days.  I buried the little bird in my garden and wished him much peace in his next life.

This got me thinking about what to do when you find an injured bird so I started doing some research.  So, here is some information in case you too find an injured bird.

If you live in the Lake County Illinois area, you can contact Barnswallow in Wauconda, Illinois.
Phone: 847-487-3606.

It's important to act quickly to contain a bird before it moves out of reach or something harms it.

  • Place the bird in a clean unwaxed paper bag or cardboard box of appropriate size, with paper toweling flat on the bottom.
  • Fold the top of the bag down 1 inch, then fold again and secure the top with a paper clip. Secure the lid of the box with tape.
  • Place the bag or box in a safe, dark, quiet place, away from extreme heat or cold.
  • DO NOT put food or water in the bag or box.
  • DO NOT poke holes in the bag or box.
  • NEVER open the bag or box to check on the bird.
  • NEVER take a bird that is not in a closed bag or box into a building
  • As soon as possible, transport the bird to a licensed wildlife rehabilitation center.
Other Rescue Information:
  • If you cannot pick up and contain the bird, make an attempt to move it to a protected area away from further harm; such as under a bush, or away from the street or sidewalk. 
  • Once the bird is secured in a bag or box, do not be tempted to check on the bird! Opening the bag or box stresses the bird, offers the possibility for escape, and puts the bird at risk for further injury. Escaped birds can become trapped inside a building or be impossible to recapture. 
  • Birds can breathe adequately in a closed unwaxed paper bag or cardboard box. Air holes are not necessary and can allow some birds to escape. Never place birds in plastic bags or containers. 
  • Birds are more likely to stay still and quiet in a darkened environment. Covering the bag or box helps block out light. 
  • Do not try to care for an injured bird yourself. It needs specialized care. It is against federal law to keep a migratory or native bird without specialized training and permits. Contact with wildlife can involve exposure to diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. Take any and all precautions to safeguard your health whenever handling birds.
I personally cannot walk past an injured bird and not do anything.  If the bird does pass away while in your care, at least you gave that bird a moment's peace and quiet before they moved on.
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In the early days of the videogame industry, PONG could be elected a huge turning point in this scenario. As Cohen (1984, p.17) reminds us, PONG was a tremendous success inside the arcades around the world and many people lined up to play the game.

And it’s important to remember that PONG, in these early years, became also a domestic console and one new component was added in the growing gaming market.

For the first time one person – at home or arcade - started to interact with a screen with real time responses using a controller. In this moment the spectator gained “new powers” and was transformed in something new: an interactor.

As proposed by Murray (1997, p.153) “the interactor is the author of a particular performance within an electronic story system”. In this new ecosystem the interactor would be a kind of spectator who has capacity for agency, understood as the ability to perform significant actions and experience the proposal of a fictional universe.

So, more than simple players, we have a world full of interactors. Today many people are not necessarily playing a game, but interacting with digital platforms that use the ludic language. I think it’s important to think beyond the player and try to observe a more complex piece in this complex stage: the role of the interactor.


COHEN, Scott. Zap: The Rise and Fall of Atari. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1984.

MURRAY, Janet (1997). Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace. New York: MIT Press, 1997.
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Candy, fans and profit

I’m an old school true gamer. I really like to play everything. I can have fun playing The Last of Us in the survivor mode and I can have equal fun playing Zombie Tsunami. One important thing in gaming research is looking at all kinds of games (and players) without prejudice. And this piece is about players, passions, casual games and fans.

Recently I started to play Candy Crush on iPhone. The simple game catches me. Not for the game mechanics (that is nothing new if you’ve played Bejeweled sometime in your life), nor for the thematic/aesthetics (I really don’t like candy) but the game has an excellent idea of business model and how to engage the users in the experience transforming great part of them in fans of Candy Crush.

The video below shows the game mechanics idea and the colourful interface:
– the studio behind Candy Crush - is the largest site for free games online. But “free” requires a good strategy to earn money from other sources and other formats. The most part of games works on a “freemium” model.

Freemium (free + premium) is a business model by which a proprietary product or service (typically a digital offering such as software, media, games or web services) is provided free of charge, but money (premium) is charged for advanced features, functionality, or virtual goods.

In Candy Crush, puts lots of efforts to create a balance between entertainment for players, sharing in social media and selling of virtual goods (extra lives, special powers, etc.). The game offers limited lives to the player and when they are finished the user has two options: 1) wait a few minutes to gather more lives or 2) pay with real money to get new lives (or powers) immediately. The addictive game mechanics create the perfect ecosystem to sell virtual lives and powers that facilitate the journey in the game. Players can also gain new lives sharing Candy Crush features on Facebook (bonus in exchange of advertising). is trying to create an intense relationship with the players to achieve more profit. More than just users, the company needs fans to grow. As Sandvoss and Harrington (2007) remark, for better or for worse fans tend to engage with their passions not in a rationally detached but in an emotionally involved and invested way.

Jenkins (2006: 41) reinforces this idea about the role of the fan in contemporary participatory culture. Although the author examines television shows and other kinds of fan activity, we believe his ideas may help us make sense of what goes on in the social networking service in question. Let us quote what Jenkins has to say about the way one becomes a fan:

One becomes a “fan” not by being a regular viewer of a particular program but by translating that viewing into some kind of cultural activity, by sharing feelings and thoughts about the program content with friends, by joining a “community” of other fans who share common interests. For fans, consumption naturally sparks production; reading generates writing, until the terms seem logically inseparable” (…)

As we know, fans have a special role inside social media communities. A community of fans that surrounds a specific platform becomes a fandom, and this audience deserves special attention. A well-structured fandom can become an effective marketing tool for any specific social media platform.

It seems that companies like must understand how to motivate and activate the fandom audiences, as well as how to bring them closer. Meaningful experiences are important in this context because it’s a key for players to spend money inside the game experience. The idea of freemium is surrounded by strategies to engage the player as a fan.

And now let me try to finish the level 89 of Candy Crush.


GRAY, J.; SANDVOSS, C.; HARRINGTON, L. (eds.). Fandom: identities and communities in a mediated world. New York: NYU Press, 2007.

JENKINS, H. Fans, bloggers and gamers: exploring participatory culture. New York: NYU Press, 2006. official site (link here)
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Snaggle Foot Round Lake Pet Sitters & Dog Walkers Receives 2013 Best of Round Lake Award

Press Release


Snaggle Foot Round Lake Pet Sitters & Dog Walkers Receives 2013 Best of Round Lake Award

Round Lake Award Program Honors the Achievement

ROUND LAKE August 29, 2013 -- Snaggle Foot Round Lake Pet Sitters & Dog Walkers has been selected for the 2013 Best of Round Lake Award in the Pet Sitter category by the Round Lake Award Program.

Each year, the Round Lake Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Round Lake area a great place to live, work and play.

Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2013 Round Lake Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Round Lake Award Program and data provided by third parties.

About Round Lake Award Program

The Round Lake Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the Round Lake area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value.

The Round Lake Award Program was established to recognize the best of local businesses in our community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to recognize the small business community's contributions to the U.S. economy.
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Senior Dogs: What to expect as your dog ages!

I just celebrated my dog Sebastian turning 13 years old on August 20th.  He is showing signs of aging and because of this, I wanted to share what we should be thinking about as our dogs age and what to expect of an aging dog.

Just like people, dogs age and start to develop symptoms of aging.  Aging is not a "disease".  It is part of their life span just like people.

But like you, I wanted to know what things I should expect.

So here is some information regarding what happens to your doggie as he ages.

What is "old age" for dogs?
The old classic "one human year equals seven dog years" is an easy way to calculate and relate to your dog's age, but isn't the most accurate. Large breed dogs (i.e. Great Danes) are considered a senior at 6 or 7 years of age, whereas small breeds (i.e. toy poodle), aren't considered a senior until their teen years. I have seen more than one poodle in the 18 to 20 year range. There are studies to suggest that certain breeds are more long-lived than others, too.

As a general rule of thumb, a dog who is 7 years or older should be considered middle to senior aged, and a consultation with your vet is in order to determine the best health care maintenance program for your dog as s/he ages. For smaller breed dogs, your vet (in consultation with you) may elect to wait a couple of years before doing any geriatric monitoring.

What things should I expect as he ages?
Slowing down - You may notice that you dog slows down some with aging. This isn't always the case, but look for subtle changes in how s/he gets up, lays down, and uses stairs. Is there any hesitation or stiffness? Does a change in the weather (rainy, cold) make it worse?

Arthritis - is common in dogs as they age, particularly large breeds. Arthritis can occur in any joint, most commonly the legs, neck and back (spine). There are many different medications available to help ease the discomfort of arthritis -- see your vet if you notice any signs of slowing down in your dog.

Graying around the face, muzzle - most dogs commonly show a bit of gray starting at middle age (5-6 years).

Reduced hearing - Is your dog hard to wake up after sleeping or does s/he become startled easily if you approach from behind? Hearing loss or deafness may be a reason for this. There isn't a lot that can be done for age-related hearing loss, but a vet exam should be done first to rule out other medical problems, such as an infection, growth, or foreign body in the ear.  If your dog does experience hearing loss, take care to protect him/her from hazards, such as cars and kids that s/he may not hear (or see). Dogs do learn and adapt well using hand signals to come, stay, sit, and so on. It is a good idea to "cross train" your dog early in life to recognize basic hand signals.

Cloudy or "bluish" eyes - As they age, dog's eyes often show a bluish transparent "haze" in the pupil area. This is a normal effect of aging, and the medical term for this is lenticular sclerosis. Vision does not appear to be affected. This is NOT the same as cataracts.  Cataracts are white and opaque.

Muscle atrophy - Mild loss of muscle mass, especially the hind legs, may be seen with old age. Be sure to have your vet check this out if any muscle loss is noted.

How can I keep my pet more comfortable in his senior years?
Regular checkups and communication with your vet will ensure that you are doing all that you can medically to help your pet enjoy the senior years. To help your pet at home, here are some pointers:
  • Provide a comfortable clean bed - there are many "orthopedic" beds available now at pet supply stores to ensure comfortable rest.  NOTE:  I just recently bought two of these for Sebastian, one for upstairs and one for downstairs.
  • Provide fresh water daily (note changes in water consumption) and a healthy, age-appropriate diet.
  • Don't expect too much from your senior dog - s/he may want to run and play Frisbee like the good 'ol times, but go slow -- heat, arthritis, age-related muscle atrophy, and other age-related effects can take their toll.
  • Ease distractions - senior pets can be easily startled by or become fearful of: kids, loud noises, and general commotion as they age. Conditions such as arthritis can make the dog fearful of getting hurt (or the potential to get hurt) with sudden movements of kids or being stepped on.
If you see these changes happening in your aging dog, it's okay, it is all part of their lifespan.  Keep them comfortable and keep loving them.  Remember, you made a promise the day you got them that you would love them for the rest of their lives !
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